A casino is an establishment for certain types of gambling. It may also refer to an establishment that combines this activity with other activities, such as restaurants, hotels, or cruise ships. Some casinos specialize in specific kinds of games or may be known for their tournaments or events.

The word casino was probably derived from the Italian word for little house. It is generally believed that gamblers began to meet in small private houses for gaming in the 14th century, following the closure of larger public gambling halls.

Table games are a major part of casino operations. These games are operated by live dealers and are usually played against the house rather than other players. They include baccarat, blackjack, and roulette.

Most of these games require at least some level of skill, although there is always a risk that the player will lose. Some table games have a built in advantage for the house, which is referred to as the house edge or vigorish. The amount of this advantage can vary depending on the rules and number of decks used.

Casinos make money by accepting bets and charging a commission, called the vig or rake, on all bets placed. This amount is a percentage of the total bet and can vary widely from game to game. Some casinos also earn a portion of the bets that are placed on video poker machines and some slot machines. These fees are often hidden from the customer but can add up to a significant amount of money for the casino over time.